The Benefits of Recycling Water

published Jul 03, 2018
2 min read

According to Central Basin Municipal Water, water that is on Earth today is the same water that was here when Earth began. But how is this possible? Well, this is only possible through recycling.

Although Earth naturally recycles its water, technology is used to speed up the process and help provide solutions for cleaner water according to Ohio University. This not only makes it easier for us to recycle water, it also makes it safer.

Natural Water Source

So, why is water recycling important? Aside from being the most important element here on Earth, the United States Environmental Protection Agency notes that water recycling is important because it allows us to reuse it for other beneficial purposes. This includes agricultural and landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, and of course, drinking.

Perhaps the most common form of recycling, however, is industrial recycling. This allows us to use water for things like cooling in homes and vehicles. Recycling water also prevents it from being removed from natural habitats, like forest and wetlands, that rely on it for survival.

The need to recycle our wastewater is becoming more important than ever, as water shortages continue to spread throughout the world – and not just in poorer countries. In fact, recycling is one of the best ways to make a positive impact on our planet. This means that taking necessary steps are vital for preserving life here on Earth. What are the benefits of recycling water in the long run? Here are the three main benefits of recycling water.

Benefits the Environment

By using less water, we not only reduce the amount of money spent on machines to purify it, we also save energy that will, in return, preserve the planet.

Therefore, by reducing the amount of energy used for pumping water, we also reduce the amount greenhouse gases that go into the atmosphere. Gases that can lead to things like climate change, illnesses, and certain cancers. So by reducing waste in your home or business, you also reduce the amount of water that has to be treated, which is what helps the environment.

This is important because gallons of untreated wastewater (also known as pollution) finds its way into bodies of water every day. This is what creates dead zones not only in the ocean but in agriculture as well—dead zones that can cause mutation or even kill certain species that rely on that particular habitat.

In the end, by decreasing how much water you use, you also decrease the amount of time and energy spent delivering it to homes and businesses around the globe. Failing to conserve water now could have a negative impact on our planet later on; it could shorten the lifespan of humans and all other living species.

Create Safe and Beautiful Communities

When it comes to sustainability, the first that should come to mind is water preservation. Why? Because water plays an important part in our daily lives. Firefighters, police officers, schools, gyms, restaurants, and street cleaners, for example, all require large amounts of water to keep them in business and provide us with the best service.

What does this mean? It means that water conservation now requires a lot more effort than it did 50 years ago. You shouldn’t, however, think that what you’re doing won’t help or doesn’t matter—it does.

Remember, it’s not just swimming pools, golf courses, and water parks we have to think about. We also have to think of our community. That’s because much of the freshwater resources we rely on today are also used to help our communities prosper by watering lawns, trees, and gardens. It’s also used for washing cars, public fountains, and cleaning. Failing to conserve water also means we take away from our community.

Helps Address the Water Crisis Problems

There are a number of people who developed water habits that are so deeply embedded that it would be extremely difficult to minimise their water usage. While it’s important to try and use less water, one effective way is to treat the wastewater we produce on a daily basis.

Although residential water usage doesn’t come close to industrial water usage, it’s still important to monitor how much waste we’re producing. How can we monitor the amount of water we waste? By using technology.

Living in the digital age means that there are technologies like revolutionary shower heads that can create and recycle water. Updating everyday appliances won’t only help decrease the amount of water being wasted, it will also prevent it from going into other bodies of water like oceans and rivers. This is what helps us address the water contamination problem we have going on throughout the world today.

Why Is This Important?

This is important because there are communities like Flint, Michigan that need help. In Flint, their water supply has become so polluted that officials are now battling against shigellosis—a virus that causes diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and stools that contain blood. This means that in order for us to help communities like Flint, we must make changes in our lives that will conserve water and preserve our environment along the way. In order for this to happen, however, we must break our old habits and create new ones that will help us in the long run.



H. Davis enjoys being active and finds any excuse to go outside and explore the outdoors. If you can’t catch him online, you might be able to catch him working out at the gym, or cheering on the Boise State Broncos. Follow him on Twitter at @Davish241