Want to Save the Ocean’s Ecosystem? Go Local

published Jan 22, 2020
1 min read


A great number of people love eating fish and why not fish is delicious and a good source of protein. But do you know how fishes are caught? When fishing trawlers spread the nets in the water, they just don’t catch the fish but they know what people want to eat. If unwanted fish are caught along, they are thrown back into the sea. Industry call this discarded fish “by-catch”.

Studies indicate that excessive by-catch has led to substantial decline and extinction of species. But fortunately, effective ways can be used to reduce it. Ongoing research on commercial fisheries is addressing the issue of marine conservation. However, there is a need to identify and document Inlands by-catch and develop strategies to reduce it.

Another Research indicates that the unwanted and discarded fishes if kept and sold, benefit us both socially and economically. This is not only profitable but also helps in achieving sustainability. But, is by-catch the only reason for the ongoing extinction of fishes and marine life? Or there are other reasons.

Consumer Needs

In the United Kingdom, the majority of the people like to eat salmon. According to a Facebook survey in 2019, approximately 24% of the people said that they love eating salmon. Demand and supply are closely related to each other so if there is a high demand for salmon, then obviously there would be a rise in salmon fishing.

But these consumption preferences can be changed. Increasing consumer interest in sustainable seafood can be intensified by promoting local produce. Several restaurants in Northumberland are specialised in producing local species. Whatever comes from the sea, they cook it. Promoting local fish recipes and providing identification charts for different types of fishes that are caught locally are becoming common overseas.

An increase in demand for the local fish would result in the reduction of imported fish. All this decrease the pressure on the commercial fish companies that may use less sustainable methods to catch fishes.

To promote marine life and ecosystem, government and private companies are working together. Some organisations are providing certification or eco-labels schemes for local farmers and companies to support the sustainability movement. These labels ensure that the products did originate from the sustainably managed fishery.

These eco-labels protect endangered species by promoting sustainable practices in fishing. Consumers who are Eco-conscious look for such labels that address fishing impacts on the marine species and set standards to protect the ocean ecosystem. What is better than knowing that the seafood you are eating is ocean-friendly?