The Top Tips for an Eco-Friendly Trip
Indeed, most people are talking about being eco-friendly, but not everyone puts it into practice. In the busy lives we all lead, we often forget about these easily implementable but important steps of eco-friendliness to make a great positive and healthy impact on the world we live in.
Working as a professional in any field often requires travelling abroad, which is where we can implement some eco-friendly steps to help prevent our environment from being polluted. We’re here to give you some of the essential eco-friendly travel tips. If you still haven’t found your perfect eco-friendly rental, visit Holidu, the search engine for holiday rentals and take a look at what they have to offer, including a luxury eco-friendly roundhouse in Scotland, for those of you who would rather holiday closer to home.
List of helpful tips for the best eco-friendly travel experience
Here’s some of the best advice you can get when travelling on how to stay eco-friendly:
Don’t bag anything and pack lightly
Do 500 years sound like a long time? They sure do, and that’s how much time it takes for a plastic bag to biodegrade. Therefore, don’t place your belongings into plastic bags when packing, and use cloth bags instead. Additionally, pack only the necessities to keep your weight at a minimum because the heavier the plane, the more carbon emissions from it there will be.
Public transport
When you travel to a foreign country, you can contribute to the cleanliness of the environment by using public transport. That way, you won’t create any additional carbon emissions from your private vehicle. You can also contribute to eco-friendliness by not taking long showers, turning off the TV in your accommodation, and turning off the air conditioner and the lights when you’re not in the room.
Drink and eat locally
Sure, you may have your favourite beer that you can purchase in a store, but if you drink beer and other beverages that originally come from the place you’re at, you’re saving the “beer mileage.” By all means, avoid drinking bottled water, and pack a reusable bottle from home to drink from.
Don’t over-explore if you’re into hiking
We know that there are many hiking enthusiasts out there, but over-exploring when hiking can sometimes disrupt local animals and endangered plants. Therefore, stick only to the paths intended for hikers.