How Your Fashion Choices Can Change the Planet

published May 19, 2022
1 min read

Climate change is a serious issue that needs to be addressed to avoid our planet suffering irreparable damage.

Work needs to be done in households across the country but also in all major industries, with fashion one of those facing the most significant challenges.

The sector accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions and is the world’s second-most polluting industry, so change needs to be wide-ranging and swift. Consumers can help be a driving force behind this, so women’s top retailer Damart surveyed 2,000 UK adults to find out more about their attitudes to sustainability in fashion.

Awareness must be raised

The results showed that over half (55%) of Brits do not consider sustainability when purchasing new clothes. However, 91% make sure to donate old clothes, with 72% passing their unwanted items on to family or friends and 38% using recycling banks.

Environmental factors undoubtedly play a role in our decision to keep clothes out of the landfills, and it’s easy to bear those things in mind when shopping – without having to spend more.

Try to do some research into the brands you’re buying from and invest in clothes that you either know you’ll get plenty of use out of or that you can wear in any season.

How to buy sustainably

It’s easier than you might think to be a bit greener when freshening up your wardrobe. Many high-street brands now have ethical collections that you can buy from. These could be made from sustainable materials, recycled fabrics or be completely organic. Still think it sounds like a bit too much hassle? The mobile app Good on You provides ethical brand ratings so you can quickly find out how eco-friendly their clothing is!


There’s no doubting that many of us have lots of old or completely unused clothes just sitting in our wardrobes taking up space. With the cost of living spiralling, it could be worth selling some of your clothes instead of donating them – particularly if they’re ones that still have tags attached!

Damart’s research found that just 10% of people were selling clothes on platforms like Depop and eBay every 6-12 months, so it’s certainly an option worth exploring for many of us.


Not only does giving your old clothes away prolong the lifespan of the item, but it also contributes to reducing landfill waste and conserving energy. People in developing countries benefit from donations, meaning you can feel good about the effect you’ve had on your fellow humans as well as the environment we call home.

In summary…

It doesn’t have to be difficult to be more conscious of the environment when you’re buying new clothes. There is plenty you can do to help drive the push for sustainability within fashion through your purchasing choices and what you choose to do with your old clothes.