All-Energy UK 10th & 11th May 2017

published Jun 28, 2016
5 min read

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The 16th All-Energy exhibition and conference, held at Glasgow’s SECC on 4 and 5 May attracted a total unique attendance of 6726 from 45 countries. Some 400 exhibitors from 14 countries were represented on stands throughout the busy exhibition halls at the UK’s largest renewable energy event, which also focuses on low carbon and sustainable solutions. All-Energy will return to the SECC on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 May 2017.

“There was a marvellous buzz throughout the exhibition halls and business was most certainly done,” explains Event Director, Jonathan Heastie of Reed Exhibitions. “We are grateful to the City of Glasgow for making us feel so welcome and at home.

“Our ten conference streams and three quick fire seminar areas were well attended, as was our Giant Networking Evening at the Glasgow Science Centre, and exhibitors, visitors and speakers all commented on the exceptional quality of our audience. We will be analysing the figures further in the coming weeks and inviting feedback from all our participants, but it is fair to say that exhibitors and visitors alike were most certainly eager to take the advice given by opening plenary session speaker Keith Anderson, Chief Executive of ScottishPower Renewables’ to focus on ‘the opportunities in front of us’ in order to build a clean power future. They were at All-Energy not only to do business but to take on board new ideas and new approaches.”

Keith Anderson was one of five speakers in the opening plenary session that got the two days off to a flying start, the others being Cllr Frank McAveety, The Leader of Glasgow City Council, Nina Skorupska CBE, Chief Executive of the Renewable Energy Association (who also chaired the session); Julian Leslie, Electricity Network Development Manager, National Grid; Jasper Rigter, Associate Programme Officer – REmap 2030, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); and Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice Chancellor, University of Strathclyde and co-chair (with the First Minister of Scotland) of the Scottish Energy Advisory Board.

The conference, with over 460 speakers who between them spoke for 120 hours, covered every form of renewable energy generation and allied topics such as the grid, and finance and funding and looked at specific usage of renewable energy for sectors such as local communities and the farming community. It also looked at sustainable and smart cities and low carbon solutions ranging from heat to transport; energy efficiency and energy management to local energy economies; energy storage to carbon capture and storage; and hydrogen and fuel cells to its regular nuclear update; and featured the Innovate UK and DECC Innovation Showcase; UK Trade & Investments’ country briefings and in-depth look at opportunities in the Chinese offshore wind market. Conference presentations will be online within three weeks at

Launches in plenty

“Our pre-event preview Event-Preview-/ highlighted the show plans of over 60 of our exhibiting companies many of whom like EWT, IFTech, Inlec, Kamstrup, Milbank, National Instruments, Natural Power, Norvento, REHAU, SgurrEnergy, SKF Lubrication Systems UK with HES Lubmec, Turbiwatt and Visualwind chose to launch products there, but it is worth highlighting some of the other launches that took place at the show, and comments from exhibitors, if only to show the broad range of projects, products and services that were being exhibited,” says Jonathan Heastie.

  • Renewable Parts launched Vision, an innovative new service offering for the wind turbine sector the first of its kind from an independent provider, explaining: “The launch of Vision at All-Energy drew significant customer interest with a number of commitments and expressions of interest secured. Customer feedback was overwhelmingly positive with many commenting it is exactly the type of service development the market needed.”
  • The MARIBE project booth provided a great platform to engage with stakeholder in the Blue Growth field (of which the project is part). The event created the opportunity to have face-to- face meetings with companies who share an interest in MARIBE’s key focus areas of multi-use of space and multi-use platforms in the maritime context. New links were established with key figures in the Blue Growth sectors and personnel from regulatory agencies which MARIBE was keen to build relationships with. This kind of stakeholder engagement is a central part of European Union’s Blue Growth strategy and the Horizon 2020 framework program.
  • Alpha Financials Environmental found substantial interest in the management accounting service for part-time finance directorship, with a lot of SME interest in the energy sector requiring these services and, as a consequence, look to continue their growth with green clients.
  • The Solar Trade Association held two workshops on LabelPackA+, informing installers about new EU labelling requirements for solar thermal combined with heating and hot water systems. “We trained groups of installers on how to use the LabelPack tool, and Grant Feasey from AES Solar provided technical training on the products the energy labelling applies to. It’s part of a wider workstream of ours informing the UK industry about the new energy labelling regulations, which are an EU initiative – we’re disseminating knowledge about it in the UK as the lead UK trade association on the subject and members of the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation.”
  • Moventas launched Extra Life for Siemens 2.3, a suit of after sales services designed to address the failures of Winergy gearboxes in the Siemens 2.3 fleet in both Europe and North America, encompassing upgrades, replacements, up-tower service and spares.
  • DONG Energy is leading the way and levelling the playing field for UK business to choose green energy supply at no additional premium to traditional ‘brown energy’ sources. They hosted an ‘energy management challenge’ on their stands, inviting visitors to pit themselves against the company’s cutting-edge Energy Vision technology.
  • Large heat pumps are expected to play a key role in meeting government heating decarbonisation targets according to partners (Glasgow Housing Association (GHA), energy consultants WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, heat pump manufacturers Star Renewable Energy and Scottish Gas) involved in the development of the UK’s largest air source heatpump for residential use. An industrial size air source heatpump capable of delivering affordable, low carbon heating and hot water for vulnerable households across Scotland’s existing housing estates, was said to be a completely new concept of district heating at the UK’s largest renewable energy conference and exhibition.
  • The Forster Group commented: “We had a very successful couple of days in Glasgow last week, at the All Energy Exhibition and Conference. Our engaging roof- integrated and industrial solar roof displays attracted a diverse range of enquiries. From farmers, and food and drink businesses looking to take control of their energy costs to social housing landlords looking to tackle fuel poverty and EESSH. We even had an enquirer looking to install solar PV on an oil tanker. It was also pleasing to see two of the conference sessions dedicated to solar, the first explored the evolution in technology and the second highlighted the opportunity for greater deployment in Scotland.”
  • Technical and commercial energy consultancy, Everoze, announced the launc of Everoze LEAF (Life Extension Assessment Framework) – developed to help project owners make better decisions about the future of renewables assets and portfolios as they reach maturity.
  • La Tene Maps launched three new maps ‘Europe – Offshore Wind projects 2016 – 7 th edition’; ‘Irish Utility Scale SolarPV – A new Gold Rush’; and ‘Scottish Energy Map – Electricity Transmission and Distribution (including Renewable Energy) – 12 th edition’
  • Cleantech Kvarken a joint venture involving companies in West Finland and East Sweden and supported by the EU funded INTERRG programme is helping 123 cleantech companies who are looking to do business with Scotland and the rest of the UK. A catalogue setting out what each of the companies in the cluster do and what they can offer was launched at All-Energy with Scotland being chosen for the wider international launch of the catalogue because of its strong tradition of innovation.

As Jonathan Heastie adds: “Perhaps GBE SpA’s response best sums up what we have heard over and over again, they said: ‘We enjoyed the show, and were happy to meet lots of new potential clients, and look forward to meeting them again’. That’s what exhibiting is all about, we really couldn’t ask for more from our exhibitors!

“Our conference speakers and chairmen and organisers of specific sessions were similarly enthusiastic as a selection of quotes from them shows:

  • Glasgow is a great venue and the city is geared up for a large conference with ample accommodation, and with more being built all the time…. I thought the atmosphere and buzz at this year’s conference was much higher than the last couple
  • I was blown away looking across the programme at the number and quality of the parallel sessions
  • The conference and show audience are actively engaged practitioners, and so are direct and to the point
  • The lecture slides are publicly archived, and act as a great record for the next years. Often it’s difficult to get project developers and practitioners to commit to revealing anything. But at All-Energy, they do.
  • I was hugely impressed with the quality of the exhibiting audience; the size of the show and the commitment of attendees and exhibitors to get to Glasgow; and the B2B nature of attendees – perfect for us
  • This was an excellent place where I could meet experts working on the research area similar to mine
  • It was a pleasure to participate and great that there was such a significant part of the programme devoted to heat and energy efficiency
  • From my side I was very happy with the event and the organization around it, couldn’t have been better
  • As always, we found All-Energy very useful, primarily as a base to meet a large number of our clients and contacts and network our socks off
  • I’d not been before and thought it a great event with an unusually wide range of tech and products on offer.
  • The session I chaired had one of the most interesting and diverse group of speakers that I have heard in some while. Well done to whoever put it together. Made my job very easy!
  • Everything went really smoothly and we had excellent feedback
  • Another full house with plenty of very positive feedback which is always most welcome. Although we live in challenging times, we still remain optimistic

Strong list of supporters

All-Energy 2016 had a strong list of supporting organisations; and sponsors include Shepherd & Wedderburn; SP Energy Networks; Element Power; Centrica; Doosan Babcock; Everoze; Engie; Gaia Wind; and Green Marine.

All-Energy was held in association with the Renewable Energy Association (REA); Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Scottish Enterprise; Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) and host city Glasgow. The Society for Underwater Technology is the show’s learned society patron; and once again UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), All-Energy’s ‘Key International Trade Partner’, played an active role with country briefings and 1-2- 1 meeting opportunities.

A further 40 organisations including government departments, professional bodies and trade associations act as supporters of the two-day annual event.

Further information

Further information on all aspects of All-Energy is available at and

from All-Energy is on Twitter @AllEnergy and has Facebook and

LinkedIn groups.